Patrick Mana
Cyber Security Program Manager, EATM-CERT Manager, Eurocontrol
Patrick MANA is the EUROCONTROL Cyber Security Program Manager and EATM-CERT Manager (European Air Traffic Management Computer Emergency Response Team).
He has spent his entire career working in air traffic management (ATM). He started 34 years ago working with Thales on aviation software development and project/product management. In 1999, he joined EUROCONTROL, where he led the safety assessment activities. He chaired and contributed to international working groups to develop safety related standards. In 2008, he moved to the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU), where he was the Head of the development framework and SJU Programme Manager for all transverse activities including security for six years.
EUROCONTROL is a pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation. It is an inter-governmental organisation composed of 41 Member States plus 2 Comprehensive Agreements States.